Scream (1996)

Halloween (1978)
Halloween starts with a dark black screen displaying orange credits, they paired this with John Carpenter’s iconic synth score. After this, a jack-o’-lantern slowly zooms into view; To make it more “spooky”, the jack-o’-lanterns has a flickering light which cast scary shadows. This minimalist approach effectively sets the spooky mood, symbolizing the lurking evil that is showed throughout the movie.Here is an example of the synth cover-
It Follows (2014)
It follows starts with a pan of a suburban neighborhood, this is then paired with haunting sounds. The cameras slow intentional movement creates a sense of unease. Due to this, from the start they are able to establish the films atmosphere of dread. The credits are put in simple white text, allowing the unsettling visuals and music to take center stage.
Here is the sound they used when showing credits-

Each of these films used their opening credits to create the mood and foreshadow the horror to come. This effectively hooked the audience into their unsettling worlds.
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