Friday, February 28, 2025

Filming Day #1

 Hey Blog! 

Today we completed the first day of filming. This was pretty interesting, we were filming the scenes that involve a gym and we actually had to leave because we weren’t allowed to film in there (which makes total sense). However, we did go to another gym and asked permission beforehand and they were nice and allowed us to film. This was very entertaining because we were having tons of fun creating these clips for our movie. Today was a short day of filming we didn’t have to many scenes. 

Here are some example shots we took, enjoy!

BIG takeaway:

When filming in private areas be sure to ask for permission.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Film Project (casting)

 Hey Blog!

Today i wanted to share the official casting for our film project. We are a group of three and we decided that me (Noah), Gabe, and Wyatt will be apart of the cast. We also have a few friends outside of our class we decided to incorporate. I was shocked that my group was able to make these decisions without issue because for everything else it’s been a struggle.

Here’s the casting list:

  • JD played by Gabe
  • Coach Marcus played by Noah
  • Player 1 played by Wyatt 
  • Player 2 played by Robert
  • JD’s mom played by Kamila
Kamila and Robert are school friends that will be helping us play certain characters. Kamila is a very talented actress in musical theatre and has agreed to play as JD’s mom in our film. Kamila will be wearing loose jeans and calm neutral colored shirts, as she’s trying to be a “cool mom”. 


                                                                                                            ^ This is not Kamila, just her                                                                                                                             clothes inspiration 

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Hey blog!

Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about the audio of our opening film. Since we can’t use copyright songs we had to search and search for songs that could work for our project without it being copyright. We chose this song for when JD is in the gym, this song hypes him up to turn off his phone and start doing bench press. No copyright song

This is really the only time we will have a song because most of the actual opening film will be filled with dialogue from the characters. We chose this route because since this is also comedy we added a couple random puns that aren’t necessarily funny which is what makes it so funny. TRUST THE PROCESS.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


 hey blog! 

To further plan for our opening film we decided to also make the story board. This story board is going to help us remember what kind of shot we are gonna use in different scenes. We know that our drawing skills aren’t the best, but since we understand what is happening, it helps us plan for when we start filming.

mise-en-scene (Set and props)

 Hey blog! 

In yesterdays blog I told you guys what the main characters are going to wear. Today, I wanted to talk about what the set is going to look like and what props we decided to use to make each scene more interesting. 

Set and props-

Some locations we are going to be using are a bedroom, basketball court, kitchen, office, and gym. In each setting there will be props to help the viewers infer what might have and also just to make it feel more relatable. The props are also going to help emphasize the relevance of each setting.   

Location 1- The bedroom

This room is supposed to play as JD's room, in this room we’re going to have posters of basketball players and quotes along with jerseys of his favorite teams. On his nightstand, in the corner of each shot done in the bedroom, there will be a picture frame with a picture in it. This will have sentimental value to JD because it’s a picture of JD's father, who passed away a few years prior. 

Location 2- Basketball court

The basketball court is going to be use to film scenes of JD’s one on one training. This is where characters like the coach and some other characters will be introduced. In this location we will see his famous (terrible) jump shot. 

Location 4- Office

The office is going to be a great location because we will be able to see the relationship between JD and the coach. Here, we will learn the way he coaches and how he isn’t an easy going coach. He wants to see improvement, determination, and consistency, we will also see just how serious this coach is and how he becomes close to JD.

Location 5- Gym 

In the gym we will see how hard JD works to achieve his dream. JD wants to become as good at basketball as his dad was, after all the name calling he get from his teammates he realizes he needs to change, here is where he will make these improvements happen. This shows how JD works just as hard on the court as much as off it.

Friday, February 21, 2025

mise-en-scene (costume)

 Hey blog! 

In our film, I will be playing the part of Marcus, the coach. As the coach I will be wearing a white polo and black pants, we chose this because it is simple but allows us convey his job and his authority. I don't have a white polo so I'm going to have to buy one off of amazon so it can arrive before we start filming. 

I found a few good options for myself and will be buying it once I get home. 

The basketball players including JD will be wearing basketball jerseys, all matching in the same color to show they are on the same team. We are going to make JD wear anything possible that makes him look like an athlete despite his lack of talent which helps with the comedic part of the film. Something like this picture but with a jersey.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Character development

Hey blog! 
Today in class me and my group were discussing how we could develop of characters in our film, Airball. Are two main characters are going to be a basketball player and his coach. Their relationship drives the emotional core of the story, however, how can we develop these characters to make the film more interesting. 

The basketball player- 
This character is going to be the heart of the story, representing lots of ambition but lacks many skills. His journey is going to revolve around overcoming personal and external challenges. Although he lacks talent, he makes up for it with determination. He is always the first to practice and the last one to leave, despite of this he hears all the whispers in the locker room and the eye rolls from his teammates. He also has pressure because his father was a big shot in his basketball career and after his passing he wants to carry on his legacy.

The coach-
To develop the coaches character we decided to give him struggles of his own. he was destined to be the greatest baller out there but fell short of his greatness. When he first started coaching it was a passion of his, but after seeing so many players come and go the love for coaching started disappearing. Due to this, he first dismisses the player because he sees him as a lost cause. However, he realized this kid is different, he say the fire in his eyes and the determination he had to become great. Regardless, the coach isn’t the type to just give out free encouragement so he wanted to continue seeing this ambitious player. The coach starts to have a change in perspective that sometimes the ones who want it the most are the ones who make it. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Project Idea (Airball)

     Cambridge I can’t even lie, coming up with our project idea was not easy. Every single time we had an idea that we thought was good, we would share it with our group and it just sounded horrible. However, with the help of our group meetings with classmates along with meetings with our teacher we were able to create a better opening film.

    The original idea was about a basketball game where the main character keeps missing shots even though he has good form. He ends up getting benched by the coach and feels that no matter how hard he tries, someone else is always better. There was supposed to be a montage of him practicing, making bad jokes, and working out, but in the end he still misses. The story was about trying hard but not always improving. After hearing all the criticism from our peers we knew we had to change it. 

    The new version is simpler and focuses more on the character. It starts with what seems like a big game, but then it turns out to be just practice. After training, he talks with the coach and has a moment with his mom where he remembers his dad. The last part shows him working out at the gym with no voiceover, just natural sounds. Instead of just showing a big improvement, it shows his struggle. 

    My takeaway-

    The main change between both versions is removing the montage and not having as many voiceovers. The middle part will be the most challenging to make interesting, but it will help develop the character more.

Friday, February 14, 2025


     In our film opening, we want to show Gabriel (the main character) as he tries to become a great basketball player. To help structure our story, we are integrating the Todorov’s Narrative Theory of Equilibrium. 

    What is this theory? 

This theory explains how stories follow a pattern where things start normal, something disrupts that, and by the end a new balance is found. 

In this theory there are 5 stages-

  1. Equilibrium- everything is normal
  2. Disruptions- something happens to mess things up
  3. Recognition- The character realizes the problem
  4. Attempt to repair- the character will try to fix it 
  5. New equilibrium- things start to settle, but it’ll be different from before
Why this works in our film opening- 

At the start, Gabriel is just playing basketball for fun and isn’t very serious yet. Then something happens such as, failing a tryout or facing doubt, which disrupts his balance. He realizes he has to change and work harder to improve. By the end, Gabriel will reach a new point in his journey, whether it’s success or even just growth. 

  1. Equilibrium- Gabriels life before his basketball journey begins (he’s only really playing for fun)
  2. Disruptions- while playing he will either fail a tryout or peoples comments are preventing him from progressing.
  3. Recognition- He realizes his challenges and wants to work harder to overcome them.
  4. Attempt to repair-  He dedicates himself to train and pushing himself beyond limits.
  5. New equilibrium- Gabriel reaches a turning point in his journey, whether it is success or just growth. 

 Why we are using it-

 This theory helps keep our story clear, engaging and even relatable. It also allows for a strong structure and natural flow of his journey. It also builds tension and makes his struggles feel real. By using this, we can show how he grows as a character and make the audience connect with his story.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Group meeting #1

    Today in AICE media we got put into our first group meeting. We each shared our Blogger URL and helped each other understand where we could improve. After this we started talking about our own idea of the opening film. With the help of each other we were able to create different perspectives which helped make our ideas much better and sound more appealing for a wider audience.


In her opening scene she will show abuse in a relationship with her boyfriend. Then it will cut to the protagonist walking through the party and seeing her partner. After she sees him there, it cuts to flashbacks and then it will come back to the party and they will hug each other. All sets up the drama and context for the rest of the plot. The genre is psychological drama/ romance, its modern and about a toxic relationship. 

Clem's AICE Media year


    In her opening, she starts with the summer sun burning bright, while also emphasizing how the character felt nothing. Laughter filled the world outside, however she remained alone in silence. Each day fazed into the next, she had thoughts of disappearing which kept growing stronger. Fatima is trying to create a very dramatic and depressing image of the girl.



    Julian and Aneesh are working on this project together, they have decided to create a legal thriller. There idea of this film is an innocent man sits on death row, falsely convicted of a crime he did not commit. With his execution date coming along, they have one final chance to clear his name. Me, Fati, and Clemence told them to also add how they wanted to clear his name. We gave a few ideas, whether it was through a last minute appeal, new evidence came to light, or an unexpected victim will to come out and shed light on the truth. 

Aneesh's Blog 


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Airball script

 This is my script for the Airball opening film.

Airball script



FADE IN AS SFX: faint bouncing basketball, shoes screeching, heavy breathing

JD stands at the top of the key, dribbling, focused.

Opponent crouched low, watching his hips.


This moment. It's the kind you dream about. A single shot. Win or lose. Everything slows down. Every breath, every step, calculated. It's do or die.

He shifts left then right, testing his defender.


You tell yourself it's just another shot. But that's a lie.

Explodes into a quick crossover. Dribbles between the legs.

Defender bites. JD steps back, separates.

SFX: Heartbeat thumps

SLOW MOTION: He rises. Shoots. Perfect form, release, arc.

LONG SHOT SLOW MOTION: Ball completely misses the hoop.

Silence, then:


Yo, was that a lob?


Nah, that was a prayer.


Davis, you tryna take out a bird?

JD just stands there.




Coach Marcus leans back, arms crossed.


JD slouches.


Let me guess. You thought that was going in.


I knew it was going in Coach.


Confidence is good. But delusion?

That's another story.


I just... I gotta get better. Jason was -


Jason ain't you. You ain't him.

COACH MARCUS (CONT'D) But hey, keep throwing bricks like that, and maybe we can build a new gym.

JD forces a laugh but it stings.




JD stares at a framed photo on his nightstand - him and his older brother (Jason Davis, college basketball star)


MOM (O.S.)

You'll be late for school again if you don't sleep.

JD doesn't answer.


You don't have to be Jason, baby.

JD finally looks at her. Nods.


Yeah, I know.

He turns away and looks at the ceiling again.


Mom watches him for a moment, then turns off the light in his room.

CLOSE UP: JD's face in the dark.

His eyes don't close.



Music revealed to be diegetic from his headphones/speaker.

JD alone, training.

CLOSE UP: Sweat drips

CLOSE UP: Legs shaking during squats

SFX: Diegetic music pauses.

JD sits on the bench between sets, resting, scrolling through Jason's old highlight reels.

He exhales, locks the phone, and stands back up.

SFX: Diegetic music resumes. Back to work.

CLOSE UP: Struggling with bench press

WIDE SHOT: Reveals empty bar


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Research of my choice

Why people love horror and thriller movies- 


    Horror and thriller movies have hooked in audiences for ages, they have kept us on the edge of our seats, making our hearts race, and sometimes forcing us to sleep with the lights on. But why do we willingly choose to watch scary movies? What is it about these genres that continues to draw us in?

Science of fear-

    Fear is one of the most powerful human emotions, and horror and thriller movies turn it into fascinating ways. When we watch these movies, our bodies release adrenaline, the same hormone that gets released in real life danger. This creates a sense of excitement and awareness, kind of like riding a roller coaster. The difference is we watch it in a safe environment, which allows us to enjoy the fear without living the consequences. 

The thrill of the unknown-

    Humans are naturally drawn to the mystery of the unknown. Psychological thrillers like The Menu (2022) and Barbarian (2022) keep us engaged by challenging our expectations, making us question what’s real and who we can trust.

        The evolution of horror and thriller movies-

This genre has changed dramatically over time, reflecting societal fears and cultural anxieties. Horror and thriller movies now blend real world anxieties with traditional horror elements, which makes them more immersive and thought provoking. 

                                                                                1920s-1930s: Relied on gothic monsters and                                                                                                     supernatural themes.


              1960s-1970s: Started exploring the mind and                                   religious fears.

              1980s-1990s: utilized masked killers 

              2000s-2010s: Became more psychological and                                socially conscious.

              Today, horror blends sub genres such as, sci-fi, true                       crime, and experimental horror. They push                                       boundaries and reflect modern anxieties.

    Final thoughts: Why we will always love fear

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Establishing a Timeline

     One of the biggest things I learned from this class is that preparation and organization are a fundamental aspect of this class. Whether it was for a small project or not, my groups and I would always develop a timeline or storyboard. This allowed us to know when and what we’re going to do as the weeks go by. Since this is a very big project for me, I have created a timeline of what should be done and when. 


Week 1-

  • Research 
  • Start planning 

Week 2-

  • Finish Plan 
  • Decide on locations for filming 
  • Find actors 
  • Set days we are going to film

Week 3-

  • Production

Friday, February 7, 2025

Three credit sequences from films within Horror/thriller

 Scream (1996)

    Scream starts with a black screen paired with the sound of ringing which already starts creating tension. The title “SCREAM” pops up on the screen in big, bold white letters. The title is then added together with the sound of screaming along with the sound of a knife. After this they added the credits of the director, producers, actors, etc. The sound they added kept the films idea to blend horror and self aware commentary. 

Halloween (1978)

Halloween starts with a dark black screen displaying orange credits, they paired this with John Carpenter’s iconic synth score. After this, a jack-o’-lantern slowly zooms into view; To make it more “spooky”, the jack-o’-lanterns has a flickering light which cast scary shadows. This minimalist approach effectively sets the spooky mood, symbolizing the lurking evil that is showed throughout the movie.

Here is an example of the synth cover-

It Follows (2014)

It follows starts with a pan of a suburban neighborhood, this is then paired with haunting sounds. The cameras slow intentional movement creates a sense of unease. Due to this, from the start they are able to establish the films atmosphere of dread. The credits are put in simple white text, allowing the unsettling visuals and music to take center stage.

Here is the sound they used when showing credits-

Each of these films used their opening credits to create the mood and foreshadow the horror to come. This effectively hooked the audience into their unsettling worlds.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Three Film Opening (Thriller/Horror)

    Halloween (1978)

The film opens with a chilling first person point of view shot of a figure stalking a young women inside a house on Halloween night. As the camera follows his movements, he grabs a knife and kills her. Which reveals the killer is a 60 year old Michael Myers. This type of opening sets the tone for the films restless suspense, introducing Michael as an unstoppable evil force.

    Scream (1996)

The films opening scene is filled with suspense and tension, beginning with an innocent phone call to Casey Becker which quickly turned dark. Before killing her, the killer taunts her with horror trivia questions. This was a very bold move by the producer because they killed off one of the main actors within the first minutes. This helps build the unpredictable approach to the movie.

    It follows (2014)

The film begins with an unsettling long shot of a scared young women running from an unseen character or presence. Her reaction, despite the absence of any visible threat, showed the extent of her fear. After a sequence of her trying to escape, she is found dead, in a very strange position. This reinforced the movies theme of inescapable horror. The film opening was very slow building and dread filled which established a unique supernatural tension and restless paranoia.


While researching 3 film opening I decided to look at older movies, this was only to compare what they were able to do with the limited resources they had. By doing this it inspired me to use the resources I have to develop a CRAZY opening film. These 3 opening films taught me a lot, whether it was the editing, sound, or even just the choice in shot angles. Everything these three producers did, helped me discover what and how I want to make my opening film.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

AICE Media Portfolio

    While doing research on my top three picks of genre, I was able to bring it down to two choices. However, this created a dilemma for me so now I have to decide which one would be best for my Portfolio project. To make my selection a bit easier I decided to dig deep and take an extensive look at both comedy and horror.

GENRE- Comedy 

    What makes comedy good-

Comedy is such a famous genre because well of course its funny… but more then that comedy has values that make it relatable. By adding issues that people battle with on the daily and making it a sense of humor it allows the viewers to see a reflection of themselves or their experiences being funny. This helps people not overthink every little thing and enjoy everything the world throws at them. While watching comedy movies, it is easier to create stronger bonds with the people you’re with by having the same sense of humor.

(Hangover- 2009)

Hangover, for example, is one of the biggest comedy movies ever. It’s about a group of friends and one of them is getting married, before the marriage they throw a bachelors party. Everything and I mean everything goes wrong but despite this they have a blast and it created an even bigger bond between them. 


GENRE- Horror

What is scary about horror films? 

Horror movies can have an exhilarating and a rewarding experience. This is because they provide a thrilling escape of reality while still being in their own home or in a safe place. Many people enjoy horror, whether it’s because of the storytelling or because of the insane adrenaline rush you get while watching the movie. Although scary, horror movies can help build a resilience for things that give them anxiety and allow them to learn how to cope. Like comedy, horror allows for friends and family to create a bigger bond by experiencing these insane moments and emotions all together.

(Smile- 2022)

Smile, for instance, is a crazy horror movie that seems all normal until it doesn’t. While watching this movie people tend to feel scared, excited, confused and so many other emotions at once. While watching this movie with other people they tend to become closer together due to the emotions drawn from the film. The unsettling atmosphere builds tension and confusion to what’s going on. The movie was a commercial success, resonating with audiences who appreciated its mixture of psychological depth and supernatural horror.


I chose to follow through with Horror. I decided this because horror has unique film openings filled with suspense, fear, thrill, and tension. Horror films in general offer a unique and compelling form of entertainment and are a great way to bond with other individuals on a different level that comedy can’t compare with. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Transitioning into the Cambridge Portfolio project

     Hello Cambridge, in my AICE Media Studies class we are reaching the end of the year. This being said, from this point on all of my blogs will be a documentation of my process in completing the Portfolio project. I intend to keep a realistic timeline of what I'm going to be doing from a week to week basis. 

    My initial plan is to dig deep into a few genres and decide which suits me best, I want my research to be pristine, making my choice slightly easier. In class we were learning about film opening through an interactive NEARPOD, which was really interesting and helped me understand how to develop characters along with background and context. The only way I can do this is by staying on task, therefore, I will be following this approach…

        1) Start to establish tone of production

        2) illustrate genre

        3) Include title

        4) Develop purpose

        5) Make it engaging to audience


    Some of the genres that have been intriguing for me to use have been…




#1 question of CCR post

 Hey Blog! Today I am working on research for question #1 of my CCR, “How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it rep...