Why is comedy funny?
Genre Conventions – Content
Humor is characteristic of this category as it is genre that aimed at crossing the thick line between entertaining and amusing spectators. Such features as considered, foolish, and ironic plots and main characters, and the typical content conventions associated with comedies comprise the depicted generalizations of everyday life. There are often believable plots with certain characters chasing after each other, misunderstandings of society andfst rivalry and friendship. Some characters in comedies have some general roles including the fool, the clumsy or innocent chap who acts irresponsibly, the straight man who is involved in a role that responds to the comedy or comedy in a comedy show and the rogue who may be a villain, but is amiable rogue. They produce an architectural framework that makes laughter erupt out of the characters’ interactions and incidents.
Production Techniques – Genres
Comedies are important in the amusement industry since the production techniques places heavy importance in bringing out the humour of the play to the spectators. Timing and pacing are critical aspects of comedies in effort to achieve outstanding and warranted comedy. For example, two people laughing can be used as a brief montage to shrink down the tension of a joke, or a punchline can tessellate with the blow delivered using immediate close-ups. Another aspect is the sound effects that include silly noises such as slippery floor sounds or any falling sounds – positives and upbeat music. Musical qualities refer to the use of bright light and the use of vibrant colors to lighten the mood of comedies, physical comedy may involve walk and move, slapstick comedy and jokes, and PV Games that highlight the talents of the performers together with their good timing.
Institutional Conventions – How is Genre Marketed
It is expected that the advertisements for comedy films are funny and have the brightness that depict the movie. Using bright colors and unstoppable humor as well as smart and striking slogans and jingle posters and billboards target the audience in the quest of funny movies. Trailers often feature the amusing parts, always with the intention to make a potential viewer laugh and feel curious. Social media marketing applies best when promoting comedies; fragments of the film containing some humor are shared to create the buzz. Star power is another important factor; product promotion usually involves stressing the fact that the show features one or another well-known comedian or actor. In general, the approach to comedies is a call to create anticipation and desire to enjoy the humor.
Film Sample # 1 – Superbad (2007)
Superbad – is a kind of movies which are familiar to every fan of teen comedies showing the best moments of school years and friendship. It depicts extended teenage friendship of two boys, Seth and Evan who are trying to buy some alcohol to use in a party so as to attract the attention of their girl friends. The drama is crammed with humorous mishaps as it takes young viewers through the fun and frenzy of teenage experience. The show has lots of sharp and obscene language that’s kind of appropriate when used in a context that the young generation would relate to. There is proper coordination between various scenes with jokes, and proper coordination of speeding up or slowing down the pace when necessary to add humor of a film. Incorporating laughter with earnest feelings, Superbad does more than simply making people laugh while growing up is actually more like the feel of this comedy film.
Film Sample #2 – The Grand Budapest Hotel (1)
The Grand Budapest Hotel is a subtle comedy with enchanting prenderness and an artistic setting and feel to it. An American film of exquisite storyline and stunning visual was released helping under the direction of Wes Anderson: it tells the story of a Hotel concierge, M. Gustave, and his lobby boy, Zero. All these goofy scenes are funny and the entire film is seasoned with a good dose of humor and; furthermore, the color contrast and camera positioning which are inherent to Anderson’s works are also here. The comedy is primarily situational with the peculiar characters holding the plots’ appeal as it folds dark comedy into charming oddities. But the arching concept of having what is essentially four stories within one makes it richer and unique out of which both comedy can be derived and deep sentimentality. Through the use of Benny’s musical comedy and the grand visuals, The Grand Budapest Hotel fits into the comedy bucket while accepting the general and art-house reception.
Other Film Examples
Bridesmaids (2011)
– a feel-good comedy about friendship and – of course – a wedding fiasco.

Groundhog Day (1993)
– A good example of time loops combined with finding oneself with a funny spin.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)
The best oldie new-age movie filled with warmth and humor about love and relationships.
Mean Girls (2004)
I would best describe it as a smart high school culture and status system spoof.
This could have been done in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975).
An off-beat comedy-drama that uses parodies of history and forms elements of absurd comedy.
Dumb and Dumber (1994)
– An auto trip comedy with two friends who mean well but are quite stupid.

21 Jump Street (2012)
A cop comedy where two detectives get back to high school in order to portray a criminal.
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