Hey Blog!
Today I am working on research for question #1 of my CCR, “How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
Our film mixes two genre that aren’t normally associated, our genre is sports drama and comedy. In the film Airball we decided to take a different approach to the usual sports drama. like in most sports films JD, a young athlete trying to get better with the help of a tough but caring coach. However, instead of building up to a big game or win it focuses more on failure, self doubt, and the pressure of living up to expectations. Right from the start JDs terribly missed shot sets the tone for the whole film, its funny, but also shows how much he’s struggling.
Challenging sport film conventions-
Most sports films show an athlete working hard, overcoming obstacles and eventually proving themselves with a wining a game or any big moment. However in Airball we challenged this by making failure the focus. JD doesn’t magically improve overnight and the story doesn’t end with some huge win. Instead, it highlights the realistic struggles of athletes, where improvement is slow and how much self doubt can slow you down. The ending with JD trading alone and still struggling shows that growth takes time.
Social issue-
Our film also represents the social pressure in sports, like how JD feels he has to live up to his older brothers success. His coach, Marcus, uses tough love, pushing him to improve, which his mom tells him that he doesn’t have to be Jason. This shows how two different people deal with expectations, one pushes JD for greatness, while the other reminds him that his worth isn’t just basketball. Our film also shows mental struggles in sports like how JD has sleepless nights.
Airball was meant to make the viewers laugh but it might also be relatable to some young athletes going through the same thing.