Wednesday, August 28, 2024

AICE media studies


Wednesday August 28, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

For this assignment, we were instructed to tell a story in 15 shots using specific shot types to convey the idea and tone of the story.

I decided to tell thestory of a day in a life of a highlighter at school.

My classmate and I started this project by brainstorming ideas of what to make the staory about. We came to the conclusion that we would make the story about the type of day a highlighter has at school. This story gave us a unique way to tell a story about the make belief life of an object that most students carry in their backpacks daily. This project let us give a voice to inanimate object, which gave us an opportunity to add humor and immagination throughout this assignment. We believed that this story was also a way to change the perspective of people and how they overlook the roles of everyday objects. This was a great way to show an unorthodoxed point of view.

Looking back at my project I realized that there were things that we did great and other things that couldve been improved. The ideas we had were very humorus and played a great role in our project. However, we could’ve taken better pictures to really emphasize what was going on. As we progress in this course I believe that we will achieve better capabilities of picture taking and more clever ideas. 

<iframe src="{80a17c0a-3710-4814-b1f7-0aa6f05b663f}&amp;action=embedview&amp;wdAr=1.7777777777777777&amp;wdEaaCheck=0" width="476px" height="288px" frameborder="0">This is an embedded <a target="_blank" href="">Microsoft Office</a> presentation, powered by <a target="_blank" href="">Office</a>.</iframe>


 Hello my name is Noah, I was recently was introduced to blogger from my AICE Media studies teacher. 

#1 question of CCR post

 Hey Blog! Today I am working on research for question #1 of my CCR, “How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it rep...